Open embed docs in new tab, in native app - disappeared?

Did Coda remove the option to open an embedded doc (embedded as a page or subpage) in a new tab, in the native application for that doc?

For example, I’ve embedded several Miro boards as subpages under a project for a client to easily access. If they wanted to open that doc natively, in Miro, you could do so in the upper right hand corner of the embedded doc - Open with an arrow - or similar.

That seems to be gone now. Is this a permanent change? Why?

Hi @Boisterous_Labs ! Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear you’re running into some issue with your embedded Miro boards. After doing some testing of our own, it doesn’t appear that option has been removed. However, this sounds like it could be a bug or possibly a browser extension issue messing with how Coda is showing up for you. Without seeing the embedded Miro boards, it’s difficult to tell exactly what’s going on.

That said, I would recommend reaching out to the Coda Support team by clicking the ? in the bottom right corner of your Coda screen and submitting a bug report with this information.

Thank you! I should’ve circled back here. I reached out in the Slack community and it was a bug and they already fixed it!!


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