I want to be able to choose if the decimal for numbers should be a comma or a dot. In Sweden, we use commas for decimals. Example: 12,3 st in Sweden, would be 12.3pcs in the US. Same goes for percentages, like 12,3 %.
Currently, I have to use text fields instead of number fields where I know there will be decimals. This isn’t very formula friendly and opens up to errors. If I use a number field and type in a comma, I get the error “Calculation Error: Cannot convert value to the specified format”.

Ps. As you’ve might’ve noticed above, we also use a blank space between the value and the punctuation marks / abbreviations.
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I feel you, @Daniel_Leis I´m almost giving up on Coda because of this one issue.
I can do all right subbing my usual comma for the point, but once other people start using docs, it becomes a mess.
When you import tables from sheets, it gets even crazier.
I am almost giving up on further implementing Coda for my company. Seriously.
It is almost inconceivable that Coda manages do to so much, but is not able to change a decimal place separator… such a very basic thing, but blocks so much.
This is valid for most of the world. And is a real pain to start the onboarding of a new coda user with “How to fill in numbers correctly in Coda”; that’s literally the first training for one of the companies which uses Coda.
Because not everyone switches between languages, and not everyone needs to know about decimal symbols, and not everyone uses American keyboard settings.