Hey ! Being able to integrate table view in a layout is such useful ! However, I think there is a little bug. When I want to customize the columns of my table in the layout, it pushes me out of the layout customization and land me on the originel table settings. So I have to go back to the page I was on, enter in a line, enter in the layout setting, enter in the table view settings and do it all again each time I change a column visibility… I don’t think it’s how it is supposed to work ?
I took a video screen capture but I can’t add it in here.
I work on Google Chrome on a Macbook Pro.
I can confirm that it does not work fluently at the moment. I can make some changes through the (sub)table options (for example mark visible/non-visible columns), but that’s not reflected in the list of visible columns. The changes I make are immediately reflected in the table, but I have to close and open the options to see the changes is the column tool:
I had clicked the “kleur” and “serienummer” columns and the are gone from the table, but to get them back on the table, I have to close en open the options to see the new status. This was working (better) in the past.
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Thanks for sharing your experience with this. It’s good to see that I’m not just bad at it, but it doesn’t work for you either