Use same Layout in different tables

Hey guys,

is there any way i can use the same Layout in different tables?

Im currently buildung a task manager so i created a Layout in the “Tasks”-Table.
Now i want to use the same layout in the table below “Tasks 2”. Is that possible?


Dear @Jannis,

Without knowing of the context and final goal, yes it is possible.

Just copy the Task table and past it somewhere else in your doc.

Okay, but im trying to find a way that its synced and i dont have to make multiple changes in every single Layout…

You understand what i mean?

Dear @Jannis,

Just one tasks table and then to create different views with specific views.

In the template section, you can find samples with multiple projects that have many tasks, just to get the hang of it.

I recommend to play around and if necessary to share the doc if you come across questions, so there is a more clear view what you want to accomplish.

Enjoy the adventure :rocket:

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Not possible out of the box but I am 100% certain it’s possible to write a scriptlet like this one to copy the settings from one table view onto the other. If I have some spare time tonight I’ll give it a try.

P.S. “Layout” is a different thing; it’s the settings of a row popup or a row ‘page’ in a Detail view.

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Okay, im gonna take a look at that. Thank you.

Thank you very much.


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