PDF Export Keeps Cutting Off Images

I recently noticed that the PDF export is cutting off screenshots added to the bottom of my page. The First screenshot shows the cut off from the export. The second shows the actual page. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?

This is an export of a specific row of a table. The content in the row is a mix of text and images. Thank you!

Thanks for reaching out to let us know about this issue and apologies for the delay in response. This sounds like it might be related to a known bug the Coda team has identified. That said, we have moved this post to the Suggestion Box: Bugs section of the Community and somebody from the Coda team will be following up with any updates on this issue. Thanks for hanging in there!

Thank you. Do you know what causes the cut off so we can avoid this until the bug is fixed?

Also, do you know what the timeline might be on it being resolved?

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