Reference deleted rows in Automations

I am trying to run some automation whenever a row is deleted from a table, but unless I’m missing something it appears the ‘row changed’ trigger on automation does not fire when a row gets deleted. Is there some workaround for this? In the ideal world, I’d like to see the ‘row changed’ event trigger when a row gets deleted and the ‘Step 1 Result’ reference the deleted row.

Hi Jeff,

Short answer - delete = gone.

However, if you share some more details about what you want to get done, some creative community member might be able to make some suggestion(s) how to get it done.

Hi, @Jeff_Green.
To accomplish that you have to use a button to delete the row.
Your formula would look like this:
RunActions( thisRow.deleteRows(), "another action)

Yeah, the button approach makes sense as then I will be able to do whatever I need to do. In my particular example I want to keep a log of the deletions in an audit table - what got deleted, when, by whom, etc. I can easily do all that with a formula on the button to write the log before deleting the row.

WRT to Piet’s answer, “delete = gone”, it’s interesting because Coda obviously keeps a reference to the deleted row, to support undo, versions, etc. So it seems technically possible.

I guess what I was hoping for was something like a DELETE trigger in SQL, where you have access to the row being deleted before it is truly gone.

You can actually use RunAction() for this too. Create a table called DB Logs then write something like this:
RunActions( DB Logs.AddRows(DB Logs.User, user(), .....etc ), thisRow.deleteRows() )

Another option you have is, instead of deleting the row, you can create a hidden checkbox column called “Deleted” and filter this row out whenever it’s checked. You then create a button called “Delete this row” that only checks that box.

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