How to restore deleted row from table


One of my team member delete some rows from table by mistake how we get those row again please guide.

Hi, @Suresh_Kumar_Sr_Manager-IT_HO

Maybe u can restore your doc from the history.




This doesn’t help you right now, but a pattern I use sometimes is a Trash button.

  • You make two columns: a Trash column (button), a hidden Trashed? column (checkbox).
  • You set it up so that when the Trash button is clicked, it sets thisRow’s Trashed? column to true.
  • You filter all your main views to only show Trashed? = false.

Providing this functionality to users encourages them to use the button instead of right click -> delete row everywhere. And you can always recover a row by un-checking.

Now if only we can get the Coda team to add a locking setting that prevents row deletes, while still allowing row edits… :wink:


Great tip with the trash button!

I’ll also go ahead and add your vote to the feature request of an additional doc locking option for “prevent deletion of rows”. Thanks for the feedback! :pray:


Yes, great idea with hiding “trashed” rows - I’ll def be implementing that feature as well!

I also agree it would be nice to have a setting for preventing row deletion by editors - perhaps a “request to delete” where the row in question is sent to the notified doc owner who can then review and remove after checking…


@William_Bell this is a feature now actually - you can restrict users from deleting rows.

(Something like the delete authorization you’re describing is not included in the native feature, but you could implement something like that with the trash button trick + automations. You could notify the owner anytime a row is marked as Trashed?, and you could also give that person a little dashboard page where they could see a table filtered to show only Trashed rows (and then they could go ahead and delete them permanently).

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