Reference Specific cell of a table on another page

Hi Everyone,

I am brand new to Coda (came from Notion) and need some help.

I have a table on a dashboard that lists the phases of a project (Name, Target Start Date, Actual Start Date, etc) that I’d like to be able to reference on a phase specific page.


Pull the “Target Start Date” information from the table on the dashboard over to the specific phase page. Ideally if I updated the date on the phase page it would update the dashboard table and visa versa. I can do it my making a table view, but I’d love to be able to do it without using a table.

Is there a way to do that?

Hey Brad! Welcome to Coda :grinning:

Table views sounds like the best way to achieve this. Can you tell me more about your hesitation with using table views to achieve this?

Hi Jasmine,

Thank you for your response.

I am creating a project management dashboard and wanted to show target dates on a particular page (data comes from a table on a main dashboard) in a “text” sentence or displayed in various places around the dashboard without needing to use an entire table.

If there is no way to do it I can make the table work.


Gotcha, thanks! In that case, you should be able to reference data formulaically in the canvas. If you need help on that, feel free to reach out to support and one of our customer champions can assist!

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