Remove/hide/format DATE/DATETIME in calendar view w/ hours?

Hi, trying to resolve Calendar view issue: even the format for time in the list/column is MM/DD/YYY, in calendar view is showing with HOUR attached - see attached. No matter which column I choose or hide. Looks like this number 3:00AM is repeating in multiple calendars. - see attached.
Q: How to remove (hide with formula?) hour time?
%202019-01-06%2021-44-42 2019-01-06%2021-42-21


Hi Ivan,

I am experiencing a similar issue with date/time/calendar.

@Nick_HE did some helpful research and discovered:

“(Interestingly, it doesn’t matter whether this new column’s format is “Date” or “Date and Time”. I thought setting the column to date and just making the formula =dateStart would do the trick, but the event times get preserved deep inside somewhere).”

I have no solutions yet either, but will let you know if I discover anything.

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@Ivan_Podnar I think your issue is a bit simpler than the one @Michael_McGreal linked to there actually.

I think yours is just a matter of time zone. Coda doesn’t currently support time zones really, and treats everything in Pacific time. It looks like you’re in Eastern time.

What’s happening is your column has dates, which Coda is interpreting as Pacific time dates. Then when it shows you the calendar, it knows you’re browsing as an eastern standard timer, and says “ok a date that starts midnight pacific should be shown to you as 3:00 AM”.


  1. Add a column with formula Date-hours(3) and calendar based on that instead. It should show your dates properly (but on the downside, you will lose drag-and-drop functionality), or…
  2. Explicitly specify the time zone in your date column. I forget off hand how to do this but if you search the forum for time zone you should find something. May only apply to date+time columns not date only? not sure.

I think the Coda team has plans to add robust time zone support which would be super helpful for anything date/time/calendar based :slight_smile:


This suggest solution doesn’t appear to work for me. I still end up with 12:00am text being shown in the calendar view.

Hi @David_Clegg,

Welcome in this community

Please share a copy of your doc in the community, this will give the members and Codans a bigger chance to help you out. :handshake:


Is this the recommended way to share?
(the doc is fine to be modified, nothing of value in this doc)

Anyone have any ideas on how to remove the time completely? I don’t need to adjust the timezone. I just don’t want “5pm” to show up on every calendar event that spans multiple days

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