Remove some elements from cell

I have a cell containing some elements (“Andy”, “Bill”, “Connor”, “Don”, “Edward”, “Frances”) in column 1.
I also have a cell with some numeric values (4, 2) in column 2.

The numbers in column 2 represent the position of the elements in column 1 to be removed (“Don”, "Bill)

Te desired result would be the elements in column 1 without those in column 2 (“Andy”, “Connor”, “Edward”, “Frances”)

How can I do that?

HI Giovanni<

I am a little pressed for time, but the following link should be able to help you.

Rambling Pete

hi @Giovanni_Sades

one way to approach this you find below:

and this subset from step 01 you FormulaMap in step 02

Hope it helps to find your way, Christiaan


Thanks a lot, Christiaan. I really liked your solution and it works nicely.
I appreciate the time you took to take a look and reply.

Thanks, Piet. I’ll check this out.

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