Is this possible with CODA. In my case column A is a lookup value.
Hello @Allen_M ,
Here is the formula I used to solve your problem [ thisTable.Filter(Value.Contains(thisRow.Value)).Find(thisRow) ], hope it will meet your needs the best.
Wow you da man, thanks for the quick response!
Hehe, I was present on the forum and the answer within my reach :), so it’s normal that I take the time to answer you as well as possible and in the shortest possible time ^^
Clever, creative trick, Thierry.
Thank you @Piet_Strydom
Très intelligent, Thierry!
Merci @Thomas_Baucom et tu en es où sur le projet capstone toi?
J’ai fini la semaine dernière et c’est soumis. J’aime vraiment comment ça s’est passé!
Me too, I’ve already entered but I’m not sure if I’ve done enough and I hope to continue on to the doctorate
I feel confident you did! @Maria est une personne gentille et généreuse.
J’aurais dû lui présenter Wiki Multilingual community coda
For more precision, this solution is not from me directly but was explained to me by @christiaan_huizer
OK. Christiaan is one for creative tricks!
well, I got it from @Federico.Stefanato
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