Setting up a formula for a new order number once a new row is created

I’m tracking Order Requests via Typeform responses in Coda, and I’d love it to automatically give each new row an order number once the response hits Coda. Does anyone know a formula or another way to achieve that?
See my doc here!

Hi Molly,

Welcome to the community!

I’m assuming that RowId() and the internal Coda id (uglier but faster) are not desirable for some reason.

You want a random one or an ever increasing one?

For a random one you can use this action as a step in your automation.

[Step 1 Result].ModifyRows(
  [Your table].ID,
    Sequence(1,9999).Filter([Your table].ID.Contains(CurrentValue).Not()),

this will generate an id between 1 and 9999 that is not already in the table

If you want an ever increasing one

[Step 1 Result].ModifyRows(
  [Your table].ID,[Your table].ID.Max()+1

Don’t modify the ID column manually or you will mess things up.

Hope this helps,


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