Showing Cell Value in Another Page/Document/Table

Hey everyone, brand new to Coda. I’ve been searching through the web and this forum for answers, but haven’t found any answers.

I’m trying to build a table that functions as an information gathering form. Once that table is filled in it may have 1-70 rows with 10+ columns of information, per row. I would like to create a dynamic form the pulls the text/number/etc. information from the individual cell (and row) into a different page.

For example, let’s say the table has 4 columns: Site name, site address, site contact, and unique identifier. My team would manually plug in the information into this general information gathering form.

I want to be able to pull thesite name and unique identifer text/number from the cell in the information gathering table and automatically copy it into the body of a document/message.

Example table below:

Site Name - Site Address - Site Contact - Unique Identifier
HQ - 123 Test St… - Robert Bobert - 123abc

Document example:

Thank you for reaching out to us about <Site Name - HQ>. We will process your order <Unique Identifier - 123abc> within 48 hours. Please send us an email with any questions.

The function that I’m looking for would also be used to take information from cells (and rows) to populate other tables and documents.

Is this at all possible? I’ve looked into Notion, UpClick and Monday–none of them were able to meet this functionality. Based on some posts and messages from the Coda community, it seems like this is possible but I can’t figure it out!

Thank you for the help, in advance!

Hi Cody,

Welcome to Coda and the community!

This is indeed very possible, and should be relatively easy as well. I make some assumptions, but here is an outline of steps:

  1. Create a table with the columns (fields) you want to store. (say GatherTable)
  2. I assume that you want to have a form that you can publish, and people enter their contact information? From the options menu, create a form. Publish the form. Sent/publish the link to the relevant people.
  3. When people enter information into the form, it will be saved into the table.
  4. In the same table (very simple) or another table (slightly more complex) create a column type Compose. Compose the message, with column data as needed.
  5. On the relevant page, enter /GatherTable. Apply any filter(s) needed to the table.
  6. If you want to mail that message, pull in either the Gmail or Outlook packs, and then use the functionality provided by the packs to prepare and sent the email.

I hope this will get you started.
Rambling Pete

Pete, thank you for the response! You actually turned me on to a different idea, which I’ll put some thought into (customer-facing public forms and the workflows that can be attached).

What I’m struggling with understanding is how to take an indicated cell’s information and place it into a separate table or document. I’m trying to build a template where my team will plug the general information in (Bob’s Grocery Business table). From there, I want to create other pages that pull cell-specific information in.

In the example above, I would manually enter HQ, 123 HQ St., Bob… etc into the table. I then want to have a separate page that I can reference the individual cell value (text or number). For example, “Please process the service order request for Bob at 123 HQ St.

Lastly, I’d like to link the individual cell’s information from the Bob’s Grocery Business table to internal-only tables, like the “Internal Review List.”

I hope that clarifies it–I’m trying to stay away from filtering down tables to create these other templated forms/documents/tables. The way I’d think it through in Excel would be to reference cell A21 from Sheet1 into Sheet2 (=Sheet1!A21). Edits to A21 in Sheet 1 would then trickle down to Sheet 2 and so on.

Thanks again!

I’m not entirely sure how this forum works, but I put up a clarifying post.

By any chance, do you do any 1-hour consulting engagements?

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