[Solved] How to disable button when all checkboxes are true in column?

This button ‘Open links’ open URLs from the table. Once it opens the URL, it automatically ticks the checkbox next to those URLs. I want to disable this button if all of the URLs are opened. So that I can go ahead and click on ‘Reset’ button. Can you help me with the if formula to disable the button?

Check the shared doc:

Hi @Piyush_Patil :blush: !

I’ve just modified the Disable if section of your button and added this formula :

[How to disable button table].Is_Opened.ContainsOnly(true)

Where [How to disable button table].Is_Opened creates the list of values (true or false) from your field Is_Opened in the table [How to disable button table] and ContainsOnly() should check if all the values within the list are only true.

So, if all the values in [How to disable button table].Is_Opened are true, ContainsOnly() will output true and the button should be disabled.
Otherwise, if ContainsOnly() return false, the button will stay enabled :blush:

I hope this helps :innocent:

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Thanks a lot. Works perfect :+1:

My pleasure @Piyush_Patil :grin: !

I’m very glad to know this is now working as expected :raised_hands: !

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