I suppose I just don’t learn by an enthusiastic demonstration of possibility, but rather by comprehensive listing of parts, what they do, and how they inter-relate. I have watched, taken notes, and re-watched all 90 minutes of the intro videos in the Learn Doc and I remain lost. I would like to learn the way a surgeon might: this is a knife, this is how you hold it, this is what it can do; this is a body; this is what the knife does to the body here … and here … and here … and here (ie: comprehensive, not “You can make an S, or a K, or an O, you can pin the flaps here or there — this tool is so adaptable it’s totally up to you.”)
Can anyone point me to a guide to Coda that lists every object, every property of every object, the hierarchy of each containing object, and how every object inter-relates to every other object?
As an example of where I go wrong from the get-go: I thought everyone had one Doc, and one created Pages inside the Doc. At some point in the videos “Workspace” was mentioned, but not clearly defined. What is a good practice for setting Coda up as a general hub of knowledge and project management? What is the hierarchy of containers in Coda, from my account (read: global) to what I might call “statements” such as text phrases or formulas? (Individual typed characters would be the next smaller level, but I come to Coda with an understanding of them.)
I — me — need to understand that in order to sensibly use Coda.
Another example: Layouts. Tables are an object. That object can be presented in … Views? … one of which is called … “Table”? One of the “Views” is called “Detail”, but some of the Views of Tables, including Table View, have a detail view as well. That detail View is call a Layout. The Layout is shared by Views including the Detail View. Yes?
The Learn Doc is a Cross-doc and a Doc? I don’t know, and I don’t know how to tell, and I have no idea when to use one and when to use another.