New year, new try! Coda still hasn’t addressed this, and many don’t see a problem with the hidden default setting that allows anyone a doc is shared with to manage access rights himself BY DEFAULT. Even Coda itself struggles with this, just yesterday, during the yearly review with the CEO, this oversight caused everyone to lose access. This happens regularly at Coda events. It’s time to fix it. Just change the default setting! (Btw. this is just one example for the negligent default settings. Other are: Allow Copies by default after publishing, allow unlocking for everyone a doc is shared with by default ect.)
Better default setting: Prohibit anyone who can edit from changing and sharing permissions - Suggestion Box - Coda Maker Community
Once again: Negligent coda default settings: Students destroy Coda-Maker doc/templates in the galerie - Suggestion Box - Coda Maker Community
Negligent default settings for doc sharing - why is nobody bothered by this? - Ask the Community - Coda Maker Community