Stocks Pack (was Not Working) is working again!

I copied the example Investment Club template and started tinkering with it. I’d like to eventually create my own portfolio management thing. I have one in Google sheets, but that uses GoogleFinance which has been very finicky. Anytime I try to use a Stock function, I get the message “You don’t have permissions to view this data in Stocks”. I’ve looked all over to see what I am missing, but I have no idea. What am I missing?

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Hi @Chase_Wallis - Welcome to the community.
The stocks pack is currently not working as the api we use for it has changed. We are working on it but it is no longer a free service so we are trying to see what we can do.

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@Chase_Wallis - the stocks pack is working again. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

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not working. get error message: “couldn’t find this data in Stocks”.

Hi @AK_K - can you give me an example of what quote you were trying to fetch.