Stocks pack stopped working?

Is anyone else experiencing this?


The data provider for the Stocks pack abruptly ceased operations, leaving the pack non-functional. We are investigating the feasibility of incorporating an alternative data provider into the existing pack or creating a new pack with similar functionality. Unfortunately we do not yet have a timetable for this.

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I have the same problem. The old provider provided the name of a new provider and their API. The now nonworking version does not just not work; it displays the old last price from when it died, which is by definition now the wrong price, which is worse than no price. This is an important feature for the people who use/need it, and it is standard fare at excel. I don’t really want to do my pricing in excel and then have to down load it to Coda…

Here’s the information the old provider supplied:
IEX stoped providing info and referred people to a different API (from Intrinio:

Hi All,

I have created a Stock Prices Lite pack. It uses Alpha Vantage with a limit of is 25 requests per day, with a limit of 5 queries per minute. These limits apply to the API key, i.e. to all users of the pack.

It contains one formula getStockInfo(ticker) and one sync table. I have assumed that OHLC, history and other information would not be all that interesting for a Coda doc.

Their prices are as follows:

Please let me have feedback - Would you be willing to pay for this? How many API requests would you need? Are there any other information that would be useful?

Rambling Pete