How often does the Stocks pack query for new data?

As per title, I can’t see this written anywhere.

I don’t use the Stocks pack, but it may operate similarly to the UPS pack, where you have to set it from manual to daily or hourly. Take a look at my answer here:


Ah spot on, thanks! I missed that Settings tab.

I’m a little confused by the wording of this tooltip where it says “you may update that on each table itself”, is this saying I can update the frequency interval from manual to daily/hourly per existing table? If so I can’t seem to find where that option is per table. Perhaps someone from Coda can clarify that?

I have that same question. It says set it in the table but I’ve looked everywhere in my tables and I cannot find any place to change it once you put a column with one of those packs into a table.

Hello there!
The Defaul Refresh Rate found in the Pack settings works for Pack Formulas and Pack Tables.

The Pack Formulas are linked directly to this setting whereas the Pack Tables only get this setting when they are created, so you can change them on each table separately

You can find more info about packs here:


That’s good to know the clarification. HOWEVER, the Stocks pack refuses to refresh as it should. I have a button to refresh the rows of a table with Stock pack column. If I PUSH that button the refresh kicks off. If I have an AUTOMATION that pushes that button the automation indicates it completed but the table does not show any updated data. It indicates the last update was X days ago even though I have 3 automations to refresh that data 3 times a day. Opening of the market, noonish and closing of the market. So it seems not all packs work properly.

Hi, there @Susan_M_Davis…I just started experimenting with the stock pack. Did you find an answer or solution to your sync issue?

I am wondering how many stocks you have in your table and how the number of stocks in your table impacts the time it takes to sync?

I have 41 stocks in my table. It is currently taking 4 minutes to complete the update sync. I’m not sure if I can get it to work any faster. I just set it to sync once in the morning via automation then I update it manually if I want to see it updated during the day.

This is very useful, thanks!

Did you set it up with automation like this?

Thanks, Gregg

Sorry for the delay had to drive across 2 states to sell a car! UGH

Yes, I did set it up with an automation that pushed a button. Initially, I had it set up to update at whatever time the markets open, noonish and then market close but with my plan I’m limited on how many automations I can run…

So I bundled it together with another button that runs once at the start of my day and then if I want to refresh the quotes during the day I press another button thus saving my automations.

It’s still a little slow at getting the data I’m not sure why but it’s not too bad especially if I let it run in the morning before I start my work for the day.

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I have a lot of stocks on my list and found that it was too slow to update around noon + once you have the stock pack syncing you can’t pause it or stop it and it prevents other work from being done. My workaround is to go outside of Coda and get updated stock info from a (free) personal portfolio I created at, then paste and filter the data in Coda. It sounds inelegant but once you do it a few times to nail down the workflow, it just takes a minute or two.

Yes, I had the same issues with it being slow and locking your doc until it finishes. That’s why I’m only updating it in the morning before I start work and then manually if I want it updated. Your workaround sounds good. I considered using another doc to get the stocks then using cross doc in my doc but I’m not sure that would be much faster and with my Coda plan I’m quite limited on what crossdoc can do. :frowning: