Subscription Lapse - ChatGTP Pack Disabled

I let my subscription lapse and then reinstated it along with all the packs previously purchased…

However, my AL generated responses now display:
Pack disabled - Access to the OpenAI ChatGPT Pack is no longer available.

And do not display the answer that was previously captured within the Coda Page.

How do I get all my AI generated responses back?
How do I avoid consuming all my credits getting my IA generated responses back?

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Hey Alan, thanks for reaching out! To recover your old or deleted data, we recommend checking your version history:

From there, you should be able to copy your data from a previous version of your doc and paste it into the existing version. Please let us know if you run into any issues.

If you need the entire doc reverted back to a previous version, please have the doc owner follow these steps:

  1. Share the doc with Coda Support
  2. Provide the doc link here
  3. Include the timestamp of the edit you would like to revert the doc to. As we may be in different timezones, please include a screenshot of the selected timestamp along with edits before and after.

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