Table view instead of cell referencing

Hi! How can I change the formula below in order to show the table view “Dyestuff/pigments QS” (cards) instead of the cell referencing list? Is it possible?

Hi @Filipa_Didier :blush: !

You need to create a view of the table and display it as cards :blush:

And then, you should be able to apply a filter on that brand new view matching what you have in your canvas lookup select control :blush: (using something like thisRow.[Dyestuff QS color].Matches([Select Dyestuff QS color]) )

I’m sorry, I’m not in front in my keyboard at the moment so I can’t be descriptive :innocent: …Please, let me know if you need more explanations, I’ll get be back at you as soon as I can :blush:

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Add-on : (:innocent: )

In the sample below, you’ll see that I’ve created a view from the table Table which I’ve displayed as cards :blush: .

Then, as I already had a lookup select control on the canvas, in Filter, I’ve clicked on Add a filter and selected Colors (As it’s the lookup I want to to filter using the lookup control on the canvas)

Once that’s done, I’ve changed the default is any of filter by selecting in the dropdown menu uses interactive filter

And finally, I’ve selected my lookup select control on the canvas as the interactive filter in the dropdown menu

Which gives me this result :blush:

Hope this helps :innocent:


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