Today im going to share something very very interesting and i have been struggling alot to do it in the mobile app and i havent seen someone talking about it. so basically the when you try to put the table and see it in the mobile app you just find its very different from the pc experience so the buttons are not working properly, and they are not visible and you can’t even change the styling or order… so the following coda example i want you to go inside and see it first using your phone :
At first, you might not notice any difference between the two tables. However, the second table works perfectly: you can reorder columns, view it as a scrollable table without needing to open and close anything, and all features like buttons, checkboxes, and toggles work seamlessly.
Now, the solution is surprisingly simple. To fix the table issues on mobile, you need to hide the default column from the table. Instead, create a hidden column and set it as the default display column, as shown in the following example:
The image below demonstrates two tables: one with the default display column and one without it. However, copying the second table and changing the default column doesn’t always work. To ensure everything functions properly, create a hidden column and set it as the default.
Calendar view in mobile has similar view of table so it will follow the same logic …
but if you are looking something like notion where you just click a date and see what tasks you have in a certain date i think you can achieve that by buttons and some understanding of layout.
But if you are asking for proper calendar view like google calendar in mobile app … i think it can be achievable with some logic and advanced formula with advanced layout understanding … but for my level i dont think i can do it sorry for that…
I mean with advanced formula and layout i think its achievable but its beyong my skills…
You can have like 3 level of grouping , one by month, one by day name, one with week number…
And the calendar will work, to be honest i had a post about exact idea but no body answered me, i think its a bit hard … and calendar view in general in coda sucks. Most people use calendar pack with their native calendar app like google or outlook … try them its much easier and usable.