Hi there.
I recently stumbled across an approach that might help you here.
In short, it’s possible to pop open a row with a button, and to do this in a way that takes you to the layout/modal associated with a specific view, rather than the default layout for the master table.
The basic method is outlined here. Essentially, it involves using a button to open a hyperlink, with a URL that follows the form of URL that displays in your browser address bar when you are viewing the desired modal. The trick is to use a formula to generate the URL so that it references the rowID of the row you want to expand.
You can use the runactions() function to run two successive actions from the same button:
- Add a row to your master table
- Open a hyperlink to the desired modal, using a rowID column to reference the row that has just been created by the previous action.
That means you can launch any modal from almost anywhere, e.g. a button on a page, or a button in another modal. And best of all, the modal “back” button still works where you’ve used this method to jump from one modal to another.
I’ve worked up a quick example here…
Let me know if that’s any help!