Timeline suggestions

There are a few things getting in the way of me using the timeline for even simple timelining/scheduling purposes:

  1. Support for additional fields to be displayed on the left in the table (for example, so that I could add resource names, duration, status, or other task metadata as columns) - High priority
  2. Allow me to select the table column that will be used as the bar label inside the text. This would allow me to calculate a label which contains the details of the task that I consider important. - High priority
  3. Allow me to select a table column to display an additional label outside the gantt bar (to the right or left of it) - Nice-to-have priority.
  4. More generous labelling of weeks/days/months. For example a timeline with Time Axis set to weekly only has one date displayed for every 8 weeks. Only slightly better than no labels at all!

As it is - there is a lot of really important task information which is just not visible in the timeline view. The only way to see it is to drill through on individual tasks.
So a team looking at a Gantt chart can’t tell easily which tasks are assigned to which person. Or if a person is allocated at 100% or 50%. Or which team the task is assigned to (if that’s a thing), or what priority the task is (if that’s a thing). Doing 1 and or 2 above would be a huge help in taking the timeline view from nice-looking-but-not-very-useful to very useful.


Another important add-on that most of the other timeline/roadmap products provide is the ability to zoom the time range without changing the start & end dates of the data.
As of now, if we have a roadmap that spreads over 5 years (ex. 2019 to 2023) and would like to focus only on a part of the timeline (ex. 2021-2022), it cannot be done.


+1 especially to the ability to zoom in on a timeline

would also just love the ability to resize the timeline wider. Let me spread it out on this canvas! Tables can get incredibly wide, why not timelines?

I’m using it to track time for various activities using a modified version of the time tracker template

and viewing activities throughout the day, anything that didn’t take up a full three hour chunk of time at once is basically too small to be a useful visualization. I know I slept for 1/3 of my day I don’t need it to take up 1/3 of the precious little width coda allows the timelines to exist under

Screenshot 2021-06-08 142524


My team really wants to use the Timeline feature but there are rendering bugs in full-view and a zoom feature is critical because some tasks are hours and others are months.

Full view - not good…


Also would vote for Timeline improvements - for features roadmap it usually lacks some functionality

  1. Zoom or ability to extend the view to be readable and not way too long
  2. Add some field on the bar itself, it might be assignee, status or completion percent
  3. Milestones like extra vertical lines with labels are nice-to-have in my case

Timeline totally needs a zoom feature since the beginning. +1 on this one!


I vote for all the improvements described above!
But recently something else has come up - the vertical lines disappeared in the timeline view. They were very helpful. Do you plan to return them?

Freeze the top time axis, please, so that it remains visible when scrolling.

Thanks for sharing your feedback on Coda’s Timeline. We’re undergoing a research effort and are collecting feedback in this survey to prioritize work.

Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts!


Hi, any advance on this issue ? I really need that zoom in/out feature for timeline view !! Or, at leat, a workaround !!

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Hey folks, just wanted to follow-up here! We’ve recently launched a suite of improvements to Timeline navigation and usability that you can check out here: Launched: Improvements to timelines

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