I tried the ToText() and it returns the two values as text but with a space in between. I have tried the trim formula but it didn’t shave the space in the middle. Ultimately, I have a pack that uses parameters “text1,text2,text3” and want to use a lookup column to feed that formula.
Oh! I like that, @Christiaan_Huizer! Once you have the ListCombine() and it returns “Bob, Thomas”, is there a way to easily trim out the space after the comma? I figured it out up top but it took a bunch of helper columns which isn’t usually my style.
I think join() is ‘flattening’ the field values to text anyways, so you might as well use Name.join(",") or, if you want to keep a space use Name.join(", "), or Name.trim(), or anything else the ‘flattens’ the objects. And I don’t see what would be wrong with Name.totext()?