Unable to Access Document That I Created

I have two accounts: one for my business and one for a club I belong to. Dec. 29 I copied your club template and spent 8 hours adding an accounting doc to it. I wanted to get rid of the original View Only club template but am unable to. It does not exist on Google Drive to delete, only on Coda.

I had imported an old Fieldbook contacts doc into my business account months ago and decided to move it to the new club account where it belongs. At first I shared it from my business Google Drive and then made a copy of it. Again, I was unable to delete the original View Only on the club account afterward because it doesn’t exist on Google Drive, only Coda.

Somehow, while adding the contacts doc to my Coda club account, I lost access to the accounting doc I created 2 days ago. Coda constantly says I don’t have access to it. I checked the Google Drive trash and there is no doc there of that name. I don’t believe I ever deleted the accounting doc by mistake (although possible) — it isn’t in the Google Drive trash or Coda’s tab of recently deleted docs.

Can you help me get access to my doc again or is it hopeless? I’m sure I can recreate it faster than I did it two days ago but I really don’t want to start over. I appreciate any help you can give me.

Thanks, Cari

P.S. Since we can’t use a templated document anyway, why don’t you just have it automatically be a copy? Instead of giving us the original doc as View Only, requiring us to copy it to use it, and then deleting the original View Only doc. And as I said, I’ve been unable to delete two of these View Only docs. I did successfully delete one in the past so I don’t know why some show up in Google Drive and some don’t.

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Hello Cari,

I’m very sorry about the document that you haven’t been able to access. I’ll follow up with you privately to get some more information so that we can debug.

As for not being able to remove the View Only doc, this is a bug that I’ll investigate. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
