Unique filter, then sum?

Hello all,

First time caller. And I’d definitely still class myself as a beginner still, so go easy on me :slight_smile:

So, I’m trying to figure out how to count the number of Leads in any given month. So for example, in the empty Total Leads table below the Actual Leads table, I’d like it to show:

Month Number

October 2
November 1
December 1

…However, I can’t figure it out for the life of me.

I managed to figure out how to get the specific answer for one month by doing this:

Filter([Actual Leads],Month=October).Count()

But struggling to make it work in a table.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank so much,

try this Actual Leads.filter(month = thisRow).count as a formula for Number column in Total Leads table

Thank you for your quick response Krunal :slight_smile:

That definitely did something, but gave me 0’s in the Number column. Do you have any other ideas?



oh i see it now your Month in Total Leads is also a lookup - try this Actual Leads.filter(month = thisRow.Month).count

if lookup on Total Leads is multi-select you would need Actual Leads.filter(thisRow.Month.contains(month)).count()

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You are a deity. It absolutely worked! Thanks so much! :facepunch:t6:

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