Hello, Codans,
I just started using the system this weekend and am astounded by the possibility; this is such an exciting application!
I’m creating a tracker for my team and would like to give them the ability to: a) see just their stuff, b) select individuals, or c) everyone’s stuff in a single view. I’m using a multi-select control in conjunction with a checkbox control as suggested by @tomavatars , here: Quick "View" Function?.
As pictured below, I am using the following as the formula in the view’s filter:
=If(ckHome=true,[Assigned To].Matches(cHome),Home)
where Assigned To is a people type column, ckHome is the checkbox control, cHome is the multi-select control, and Home is the view.
While the helpful color guides show I am likely referencing all the right locations, once I apply the filter formula, 1) nothing changes on my view, and 2) the options for the multi-select go from {Select All, Sam, Elissa, Blank} to {Select All, Blank}.
Thought I would enlist the help of those much smarter than I am and ask how you all have achieved what I assume is a fairly common task.
Thanks in advance!
Hey @Samuel_Davenport
First, the false value of your filter should be thistable, in order to show the full unfiltered table.
Then, what is the formula in your select control?
I would
a) not add this formula : =yourtable.assignedto
Because of you don’t have a user with an assigned task then you won’t see it on the control.
b) instead make another table with a row for each user. Then reference this column in the select control like : =UserTable.UserColumn.ToText()
And in the assigned to column a select list with the same formula.
Thanks, @tomavatars, that did the trick.
Since the tableHome was a view, I referenced the people column in the underlying data table and so didn’t need to go the ToText() route.
What is the best way to write my falseBranch argument as !=blank so nothing without an assigned team member shows on the table? Would it be If(…, …, thisTable.Filtered(Not(IsBlank([Assigned To]))). No, no it would not.
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Ahhh, it may be I’m starting to get this whole chaining thing. However inelegant, the below works:
If(ckHome=true,[Assigned To].Matches(cHome),thisTable and [Assigned To].IsBlank().Not())
(…, …, thisTable and [Assigned To].IsBlank().Not())
my falseBranch
Hey @Samuel_Davenport
Glad it worked for you.
There is a isnotblank formula actually and you could simply add as the false assignedto.isnotblank
I believe it’ll work.
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