Ways to copy fields in detail view

I’m struggling to find an easy way to copy text in detail view. The only thing I seem to be able to copy in detail view is canvas views or non-formula generated fields. Absurdly, right now, to copy text from other fields I am using an app called Text Sniper that can copy text from screenshots. I know I can create a ‘copy x’ button to send it to clipboard but making one for every field I wanna copy seems nuts. Am I missing something obvious here?

Hi Tim,

Could you explain in a little more detail? I do not have the same problem.


Thanks for this. It’s not free text fields that I’m unable to copy, but formula-based ones. Free text seems to copy just fine. I find that, sometimes in detail view, I can click a formula-based field to copy the entire field. But this doesn’t always work. I can’t copy just part of a formula-based field - there’s no ability to select some of the text in the way you might expect.

Here’s an example. In this case, copy/paste was working for the whole field, but I can’t select parts of the text in a formula-based field
CleanShot 2024-05-13 at 11.34.05

Hi Tim,

You are correct. Formula results are a “unit” and you cannot cut and paste portions of that.

The only workaround that I can think of, is to make a copy of the formula column, and make the new column edible. But that is only feasible if you do not add new rows regularly.


Ok thanks. Yeah, this seems like an issue because of how advanced formula-based columns can be e.g. a canvas column full of text. When sharing with team members/outsiders it’s totally unclear to them why they can’t just select partial text from a field, and the UI is unclear as to how they copy the entire contents in the first place.

What I often do is to give formula based columns a grey background so that it is clear.

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