Webinar Tomorrow: Building a business on Coda

Now that anyone can build a business on Coda by selling Packs in the Gallery, we figured it’s time to dive deeper into how to turn an idea into revenue.

Tomorrow (August 2nd) Coda will be hosting a webinar with two solopreneurs—@Leandro_Zubrezki and @Hector_Reyes1—to discuss their experiences building a business on Coda.

They will reveal their best practices for making products people want, how to get it in the hands of your users, and offer advice for others considering selling Packs on Coda.

Sign up here: Building a business on Coda


If you can’t make it feel free to ask questions here :slight_smile:


well done @Leandro_Zubrezki, @Hector_Reyes, and @Rocky_Moon, for an very intetesting, informative and motivating webinar.

it felt like the opening bell at the stock exchange was rung – the market is open, let the trading begin!



I was unable to make this - will there be any recording anywhere?


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Yes, you can watch the recording using the original link: Building a business on Coda


Is that recording still available somewhere? The link you’ve posted is no longer valid.

I would be interested as well, @Eric_Koleda.

Hi @Pawel_Niewiadomski and @Jannis - Unfortunately that webinar was hosted on our old platform, and the recording was lost when we switched to our new platform. I apologize for the oversight there.

Anything in particular you are interested in learning about? It could be fun to run another webinar like that.


No worries. I was just curious to learn about their experience and hope to learn some insights as I’m discovering coda platform.

@Pawel_Niewiadomski and @Jannis feel free to reach out on LinkedIn, more than happy to answer any questions you may have :slight_smile:

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