I would like to use the wikipedia pack in order to get the data from wikipedia pages.
It’s working perfectly in english but I can’t change the language code of the Wikipedia edition to use.
The default language code is EN.
I tried this formulas but it doesn’t work with articles in French.
Hi @Thibaud_Donzier! My name is Evan and I’m a designer at Coda. To change the language you can put the language code in quotation marks, for example Wikipedia::Article(Title, "fr"). Let me know if that helps.
Hi Thibaud. Ah, I see what’s going on. Using the wikipedia pack in french is a little trickier. Rather than just setting the column to Wikipedia, you need add a formula column next to the word you want to search, and enter the wikipedia formula. Here’s an example:
In the Article column, I have the formula Wikipedia::Article(thisRow.Search, "fr")
In the summary column, I have the formula Article.Summary
Hi Thibaud. Looks like there might be a few issues here. For “Île de Skye”, try entering the article title rather than URL. I’ll check with the team on “Parc national Rwenzori Mountains”.