Zapier Plugin for ChatGPT with webhooks

Hi community,
Has anyone successfully setup a webhook through Zapier’s ChatGPT plugin?

When I create a Zapier Action through chatgpt, it allows me to setup the action before using it in the chat, like below. It allows me to choose “Coda: API Request (Beta)”.

With the setup below I was able to make a hook, but with two problems:

  • It doesn’t post the payload content (body)
  • and there is no place to put my API token for the Automation Webhook.

One workaround I found was to setup a simple “Coda: addrow” action on Zapier, so ChatGPT posts whatever structured data it may provide in a simple [ timestamp | entry | sender ] table and I handle things from there. But I’d like to create specific webhooks working on ChatGPT.

Have anyone made something work along these lines?

Hey @Felipe_Griebel,

Sounds interesting! It looks like your issue may be with the Zapier side of things and we would recommend that you reach out to their support team for some assistance with this. They are a wonderful group of people who should be able to provide some clarity on the webhook bridge you are looking to build between the two.

Hope it works out!

All my best,

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