Access to comments Via the API

API, Workflows, Integrations and all things built on Coda

Hi all.

I have been digging through the API documentation and can’t find anything, but I wanted to know if there is any access to the comments section through the API?
I wanted to do something like have the most recent comment pushed to a field so you could get an update at a glance in a table view.



Hey @Hitch, you’re right that the API currently doesn’t let you access comments in Coda docs. This is something that we punted on for the beta as it wasn’t requested often by our initial users, and we’d want to get the API structure right as well. Were you mainly thinking of comments on rows or anywhere else in the doc? We’ll of course look into adding support at some point.

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Hi @oleg

The specific use case that I was thinking about was having comments in fields, specifically having the newest comment in a field that you could have on a kanban dashboard so someone could get a snapshot of where a card was at.(wouldn’t have to be through the API, would probs make a good formula)


If anyone was interested in something similar, I was able to make a bit of a hack-around with a sub-table and a button(everyone seems to want me to put buttons everywhere, think its because you can’t in airtable :yum:).

  • Make a sub-table with a column to link to rows on the main table and RowId column.
  • Make a button to add Rows to the sub-table with the Row title as the link column value.
  • Make a column with the list of sub-table rows with a look up, then add a sort based on the row id and slice the highest value.


+1 for comments in fields

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+2 for comments in fields


+1 for this as well, in order to persist comments at the backend. Alternatively, it could help to have a formula to access comments to create a workaround.

+1 for comments webhooks on API

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+10 for comments in the API - we’re looking to bring comments on Coda into our org’s notification system, so being able to retrieve comments (ideally using a push webhook, but pull would suffice) is a necessity

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Yes 100%

Echo again. Would love this. And page canvas content.

Row comments should be accessible in the Coda Formula Language as a row object attribute, and also returned in the API. To keep it simple, It could just be a JSON representation of the comment tree in both, with all formatting + images etc removed.

Yes, this please! The current comment functionality is super limited, we really need to be able to extend it via the API.

Ironically, Coda AI is able to extract the sentiment of conversations as long as they don’t occur in Coda.

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+1 to access to comments.
I was implementing an entire “conversation” system, so the team would communicate there, instead of using comments. But it feels like a lot of work for something that is “just right there”.

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+1 to access comments over the API as well as enhancing native doc comment functionality

The built-in functionality is way too limited and doesn’t empower users to use comments as part of a standard comment workflow where users need to address the comments. Comments get lost very easily and never get addressed.

Yes please 100%

Would love comment api access