Add a custom link to notifications

Right now, notifications go back to the table where they were created from. Unfortunately for me, in many cases, this is a backend helper table specifically made for the purpose of sending users notifications. I’d much rather send them to a page of my choosing, which is its’ own variable.


Yes, would be very useful for them to be able to open up the row from the notification

I know I’m two years late, but this is still very much an issue for me especially when Notify() is used in column formulas. It is also a potential low-hanging fruit, in the sense that implementation is unlikely to conflict with other functionality or require extensive interface changes.

Current behaviour: Notify(people, message)

  • web: opens-up the the page containing the master table. and highlights the row in question.
  • mobile: opens the default modal associated with the master table for the row in question.

Issue: I build docs for my colleagues where the master table is neatly tucked way and they use different views according to their needs, with different row modals. Taking them to the giant unfiltered master table causes them a big wtf moment.

Proposed behaviour: Notify(people, message, link)
Where link is an optional argument. if-provided: when the user clicks on the notification, it basically tiggers an action exactly like the behaviour of a link defined by OpenWindow(link), which will allow the maker to specify whichever modal they need via a link of the form “#myview_tuELy/r{1}&modal=true”.


I just wanted to check to see if this was ever implemented. I’m fairly new to Coda, and I would love to have this feature for my clients so they don’t have to dig around in the document to find what they are being notified about.



@Lee_Legg I have not tested this yet but you could try creating a send mail action instead and provide a link to open the row in the table you want in body of the email. It’s not idea as it means yet more email but may be our best bet for now.

Im just going to add my vote to this feature request

Adding my vote. Good data schema design means creating data tables that are on hidden pages. Sending notifications using Comments sends the user to the hidden table, and is very confusing. Please address, or we’ll have to go back to Notion or Monday, which handle these comment threads correctly.

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Adding my vote to the ring. We often use reminders and its not a great user experience that the user gets taken to a backend table instead of just openning up the record in a layout.

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Bump for this suggestion. Adding a link to the notification is half of a fix as it works when you get an email but the link is not clickable inside the coda notification.

We have some complex docs and the users get confused if after clicking the notification they are on a random page.

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I would also like to set the link target of the notification, although having a properly formatted hyperlink would already be decent. I wanted the notification to link to a row. I found a workaround by adding a button column which sends the notification, then triggering that button from somewhere else.

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