Apple Reminders

Has anyone developed or attempted to develop an Apple Reminders pack?


I’d be very interested to co sponsor one if you find a good developer.

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That’s great, Michael. I am still on the hunt, and might even do it myself. Will keep you posted.


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Hey! What do you guys mean by sponsoring, paying for a dev?

Hello Alberto. Exactly - paying for a developer. I have someone in mind, but may just try to do it myself (if I do/can, the development effort will be for free to you). I’ll decide in a week or so…

All the best,

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Thanks for the reply Jeb. It’s great people are doing this. I didn’t know it was a thing.

I don’t use Apple reminders, but I know plenty of people do, so it’s great you plan to share the outcome for free.

Now… if anyone will get on board with a pack for Things that would be swell

+1, interested about this !

Feel free to reach out if you want to discuss, get use cases etc
Best, Michael

Hi Michael. So sorry for the delay in getting back on this. I haven’t build a pack yet, but want to - and have some some preliminary research on the Coda pack toolset, which is great. I’m going to try to get started with it early in the year, but it might take me a while… :smiley: If/when I can build some momentum, I’ll circle back to make sure I’ve got the right use cases in mind.

Happy Holidays.

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Perfect Jeb and Happy New Year!

I’ve built several open-source packs Benjamin's Packs and am also an Apple Reminders user. Email me with the sponsorship offer and I’ll see what I can do.

Is there anymore energy around this? If the pack could sync in both directions — read, write, update, delete — it would resolve a major discontinuity in my “tech stack!” I would be willing to co-sponsor development.

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