If you’ve ever had:
- a big slow doc
- important data you want to be certain is never lost
The best solution can sometimes be to archive your data to a different place!
The problem with most ways to archive your data is that it requires you to set up complicated formulas.
The Archive Pack lets you do it with the click of a button! ★★★
Just Archive:

And then Sync your data back in!

I’m looking for 3 (only three!) beta testers who would like to get early access to the Archive Pack.
So excited! Open to beta testing, but what are you looking for in an ideal beta tester? Can’t promise Ill have tons of time to test extensively
Oh my, dreams do come true
! Congratulations on pulling this off, @Connor_McCormick1, this is incredible!
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Thank you! I’m ideally looking for very large tables, tables with unusual content in the rows, and docs with many different tables. I’ve run my own tests, but it will be good to see if there’s anything I haven’t seen before.
Also, I’ll love some feedback on usability
Hi @Connor_McCormick1 .
Really cool project.
How is it going to work with rows referenced in other table with lookup?
When the row backed up is restored, will it restore the reference too?
Packs cannot restore the connection yet, though it can bring all the data back in.
It’s a question for @Eric_Koleda and the Packs team whether they’ll ever support synced lookup tables.
Edit: here’s what the re-synced lookups look like:
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If you are just going to sync back in the same data that you archived and removed from your big doc, how does this lead to any performance increase?
Two ways:
- your formulas will have to filter through fewer rows
- you can archive your rows then delete them from the source doc and still sync them back into a separate doc.
It essentially does with a Pack what most ways to archive your data does with a bunch of manually created cross docs.
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Will syncing the rows/columns back sync every column as an editable value. Even the values that were originally calculated via formula in the source table?
Nope, it comes back as a regular sync table, so nothing is editable in the sync table, only in the source table