Arrange and manage groups

I’m having an annoying issue where I have a Kanban board but can’t put the grouped columns into the order I want.


  • Create a table
  • Group along top
  • Arrange and manage groups
  • Custom order

The order can be manually moved

It will not allow you to move items!

Any ideas what I can do to solve?

Dear @Marc_Fulner, welcome to the community :handshake:

:bulb: If you are able to share a dummy copy of your doc, it will appreciated as it will be much more easy to support and in case not possible to see if we can find an alternative approach.

Thanks @Jean_Pierre_Traets - Creating a copy doc with dummy data seems to work!

The table I’m working on is populated by a Jira Sync which unfortunately is confidential and I can’t share. However, it looks like something about this data set is causing the problem. Possibly related when I pin columns it duplicates the column but doesn’t populate with the data.

I appreciate that without sharing you probably can’t help. Thank you for reaching out :smile:

Dear @Marc_Fulner,

:bulb:Of course is also an option

They told me to use the community :man_facepalming:

Dear @Marc_Fulner,

The below explanation might be useful to solve your issue:

Thanks @Jean_Pierre_Traets - that certainly works on other tables but it doesn’t seem to work on the table I am working on. It must be something about the data feed I’m using. Appreciate your effort though :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Marc_Fulner,

Sorry for being redirected in a circle. In general, it’s easiest to offer help when we can check out the doc and @Jean_Pierre_Traets was redirecting you back to support as you can possibly share a doc more privately with our support channel than publicly on a forum.

In this case, it would help to be able to see the doc since it’s an issue only happening in one doc and isn’t repeatable in another doc.

I can say that in respect to our grouping, if you manually drag to sort groups, this holds the sort to your manually grouping and the a table sort won’t take back over. This might be what you’re experiencing.