Bar Chart for data comparison

I’m trying to create a bar chart from a database that consists of data from linked databases but I don’t have the formula-know-how to get it done.
You can see my Loom Walkthrough here.
Here is my Coda doc -

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Hi @Hung_Le ,

I think you need to get a bit more comfortable with the basics before building something more ambitious like this report. Specially if you don’t have a bit of IT background there are no shortcuts, you really need to understand what you are doing.

There’s plenty of documentation and tutorials to get started, just google them.

Here’s a version of the doc with the features you requested

Some notes:

  • The chips on your Final Report Table are not numbers, only relations to other rows, so they cannot be represented by a graph. In order to pull the number from that relation, you have to specify the column it comes from via the UI (related columns) or formula.
  • But anyway, that should not be necessary because most of the tables you have in the report should be views of the same table (Assignments) and not standalone tables. The only exception being the data sets at the end, which also should be combined into a single table.

I’m sorry if I’m being a bit harsh, but only after investing some time at looking at your video, copying your doc and trying to understand it I realized that everything was just hard-coded. This is not time well spent neither by me nor you, because I doubt you can benefit much from my comments at this skill level.

As I said before, please spend some time understanding the basics and playing around with simple use-cases before building more complex stuff.

If you don’t have the time/will to invest in this, just hire someone. This community is full of great Coda experts.

Hope this helps,


Thanks @Pablo_DV for the advice and the solve. This is great!

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