This is really weird, I can’t drag/drop rows at all and columns work rather sporadically.
Could this be related to my specific Chrome install (maybe some plugins?) or do others also observe this issue?
This is really weird, I can’t drag/drop rows at all and columns work rather sporadically.
Could this be related to my specific Chrome install (maybe some plugins?) or do others also observe this issue?
Hi @One_Ninetyeight,
The first that comes in mind to clean your browser. (History, cookies)
If it doesn’t give the expected results, you could of course also disable the extensions.
Cross the fingers,
Kind regards,
I have the same problem. When I switch to Cards View, I can drag and drop. But in the Table view, drag and drop is not working anymore.
To reproduce: in a table (or its view), hover over a row, it shows the pop-up “Click to Select or Drag to move”, I can drag, but it goes back to where it came from.
Just one other thing, coming in mind.
Did you check if the sort function is active and because of that the row is pulled back?
Otherwise get in touch with the support team.
Good luck,
I have the same issue as well.
Chrome version is 71.0.3578.98 (64-bit)
Can drag and drop rows around, but they won’t stick.
Tried incognito mode without extensions, but no luck either.
Same thing here with Brave browser (Chromium: 71.0.3578.98 )
Unfortunately exactly the same problem here
Chrome version: 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Dear @mallika,
Would you mind to investigate the above as it seems to be an issue with more users.
Thanks for your time
@Jean_Pierre_Traets - thanks for bringing this to my attention. Investigating.
We have a fix for this and it will be deployed later today or tomorrow for sure.
It’s fixed now, thank you!