Calendar and Timeline

Hi again! I’ve been using the app fairly extensively recently and have a few suggestions. I’ll start with Calendar and Timeline in this post and then create another one for the iPad app. Here goes!

  • Calendar treats end date as “inclusive” and renders an item that starts & ends on the same day correctly
  • Timeline treats end date as “exclusive” so everything seems to render one day less than it should, and items that start and end on the same day barely render anything
  • Create a new type of custom control that allows you to switch between view types (calendar, timeline) without having to reconfigure the block (i.e. opening the Options panel)

For timeline view only:

  • If a task has no dates there should be a way to create them by clicking into the items swim lane
  • I can’t seem to drag the items to sort, is this expected?
  • Can we set the timeline boundary manually, e.g. if no items have start/end dates yet, we could still tell timeline to show from “Dec 1 > Dec 31” for example
  • Option to turn off text in the swim lanes (currently I just use same colour for background and text)


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