Can non-users comment and upvote/downvote on pages?

My team and I were wondering whether it is possible for a user that does not have a account to upvote, downvote, and comment (ie. Using Dory) on Coda websites that we create.

This would be an important function for us to be able to do, because we would like to disseminate coda websites widely and elicit comments from many individuals, some of who might not wish to sign-up.

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Short answer, no.

You could put the questions in a form, and collect the information that way.

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… and this is really a big problem because forms are also very limited with what we can put inside…

That it clear a big drawback/limitation of coda for many potential users.

I assume this is a business case for coda, since they want to attract additional registered users. For my purposes this would justify changing to an alternative platform that is more open.

Is there any work arounds or any chance that this will be changed in the future? @Piet_Strydom


… and I am seriously thinking of leaving the platform cause of this…
… Having to go at the Enterprise level to do things like this is…
… hooo, you know what I’m thinking…
They don’t even put the price of the Enterprise version and I’m curious how much money they ask (Team version is not so cheap)…

I discovered this afternoon a lot of widgets like those of Elfsight are not working at all…
I’m curious if external widgets allowing to create forms and interact with Coda’s pages works…

EDIT: Don’t know why size and font are changing sometimes…


Wondering about your answer: Do you mean an internal form? Because visitors will need to create an account to submit answers as well, or am I not correct? So this does not work either?

Coda gives you the ability to create a form that you can publish. You give the published link out, and anybody with the link can complete the form.

No need for an account.

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