Coda Bug? Integromat Integration

Hi All,
Couldn’t find where Coda support is so I’m putting this here.

I am using Integromat to pull data from a Coda Doc and update a set of Jira issues.
As I am doing this I have run into an issue with a specific field in two specific rows in Coda that do not seem to contain or output the correct data.

This could be a Coda issue or an Integromat issue.

Anyway, I am pulling row data that looks like this:

Bundle 1Collection
Row ID i-16dIxCSZCB
Type row
Name Software Defined
Index 2
Created at 2019年5月27日 11:58
Updated at 2019年5月28日 16:25
Browser link
c-3qfo1TXcvb Software Defined
c-stigTB_zg- Product Name
c-FktzY3JBur Suzuki san
c-dr4fKdS-cX HQL
c-4BuMqPMtC3 HQL - Webinar
c-MI-h7xgpjM Creative
c-VQXoj73_b5 Product Name Webinar 0606
c-oYpbgjCI3b ¥00,000
c-FRzyWybrkP 30
c-E6RFOwf4Ny ¥000,000

I have changed some of the output text to anonymize the information.

Anyway, almost all rows (14 of them) output the same data except two. I have Bolded the row that is the issue

Two rows have data that look like this:

Row ID i-1SOSZnnNxE
Type row
Name PN Greenlake
Index 9
Created at 2019年4月26日 16:50
Updated at 2019年5月24日 15:59
Browser link
c-3qfo1TXcvb Campaign Name
c-stigTB_zg- Product Name
c-FktzY3JBur Shirai san
c-dr4fKdS-cX HQL
c-4BuMqPMtC3 HQL - Webinar
c-MI-h7xgpjM SB Creative
c-VQXoj73_b5 2001-06-20T00:00:00.000-07:00
c-oYpbgjCI3b ¥00,000
c-FRzyWybrkP 40
c-E6RFOwf4Ny ¥000,000

A date is output instead of the actual content in the cell - which in this example above should look like this:
Product Name 集客 6-20

Could someone from Coda follow up with me about this issue?



Hi @Sean_Wood2 - you can reach support by clicking on the ? at the right bottom corner of a Coda doc or by emailing

We don’t actively test Integromat Integration. To troubleshoot this I’d recommend sending the same rows to a google sheet and seeing if the data shows up correctly. This will help narrow down the issue.