Color Picker as DataType Row with the ability to color the line in the chosen color

hi Guys

Since my English is rather poor, I try to use pictures.


Something like this would be great

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Hey @Kristijan_Moser is the idea more to have a color picker type column, or the ability to have a conditional format color be decided by formula (which seems inverted of what is there now). Here is something I made which is in the neighborhood:


Hey thanks for this cool doc :slight_smile:

At the first place i would like to have a conditional format color be decided by formula.
Second, it would be cool to have a color picer type column.

So lets hope that the first thing will come

wonderful document, thx a lot!

I like this kind of formula a lot :slight_smile:

 thisTable.Filter([Row ID]<=thisRow.[Row ID])
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