Concatenate using Table Name?

Hi, sorry if this is out there but I searched and couldn’t find it.

I’d like to set up a way to create a Custom ID scheme for my Coda Rows like this:

Table Name + Row ID

I was looking at the Concatenate formula, but couldn’t see easily if I can use the Table’s name as one of the parts of a string created with Concatenation.

Thanks in advance for any help with this!

Dear @ABp,

Writing from a mobile device, so I didn’t make a sample, if necessary I can make a sample.

On the canvas, maybe the best to hide.

=[Your table] and give this formula the name “Your table”

And then with concatenate you call the named formula and the rowid column

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Jean, thank you, always very nice of you to take time to help me!

So can you simply let me know, what exact term do I need to enter here? My problem was I couldn’t figure out how to include a Table Name in the formula:

In this sample I figured out how to have the Row ID generate from the name of the Project, but not the actual table itself, which is “Project List” as you see here…

Thanks again!

Hi @ABp,

We actually don’t have this available as a formula, so you’d have to hard code it or set a variable like @Jean_Pierre_Traets mentioned.

Ok guys and @Jean_Pierre_Traets, thanks.

I don’t actually understand exactly though what you are proposing. Is there a way to embed dynamically into the canvas the name of my tables, and then I would use that embedded entity in the formula?

So I would add next to my table called “Project List” an embedded entity that includes that name, then in the concatenate formula I would call that embedded entity to produce my desired ID Column in the Table itself?

If so, what “/” Slash command option am I using, is this a control?

I’d like to add that this is a quintessential issue that is problematic for me, a non-technical user, and I think could be made much simpler with clearer guidelines. I’ve talked about this theme - my opinion that these types of solutions are hard for non-techies in Coda- around the community.
Sorry @Jean_Pierre_Traets I appreciate your help, but you wrote this in such a way that I doubt all but experienced Coda users, who are also technical adept, could pick up what you are saying.

Additionally, I’d like to recommend you guys add into your help materials some suggestions about how to easily create a Dynamic Row ID. This is a big need when a Coda instance gets larger and you have a bunch of rows called “refactor the code” for example. The Table Name + Row ID is a very traditional way to create ID’s in Issue Tracking, Feature Management, etc. It gives the user a sense of where a Row is in the context of the larger Doc, and its unique ID in relation to similar rows in the Table. I believe Coda can do this fairly easily, although I don’t quite understand your solution yet.

Also I’d like to tag @maria as you and I have chatted a few times re: how to make Coda easier for less technical types. I think this is another good example of where some well-thought through educational materials would be very useful.


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Dear @ABp,

With my best intention, I suggested something that I thought it will work out, unfortunately it didn’t :frowning_face:

The next, that for sure will work is to create a table with one column [table names], to list all relevant tables you created.

In your [project list] you just create another column from the lookup type single select and put for each row the table name of your choice.

Thank you Jean and always appreciate your help - please don’t think that’s not the case, it’s just that this is another situation where these types of solutions are advanced and delving into Formulas which are challenging!

In the table with the [table names] list, how do I make sure that all my tables are show there as rows? What if I change a name of one of the tables at some point, will that dynamically update in the table I am using with the Table’s names?

Thanks again!

Dear @ABp,

This is not possible, at least for the moment.

Since the doc map is showing your tables /views with their name, it looks at least to me that there should be maybe hidden formula that can extract the table names.

Of course this is my personal logic and wishful thinking and I don’t have any evidence that the above is the actual situation.