Concatenating a Button now inserts a LineBreak() first

In the morning Buttons looked great! Now a LineBreak() is being inserted into the cell as the first column. Here is an example of the bug:

Screen Cast 2022-10-10 at 5.45.16 PM

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Hi Johg !
Indeed, same here on my wrapped buttons. Weird. Was OK yesterday I think. Maybe a temporary bug…?


I have the same problem :frowning:

Thank you for the bug report. This issue has been fixed and is available now. If you open a doc in a new tab, or refresh your existing tabs, you should pick up the change and the buttons should display as expected.


Hello @Matthew_Tebbs

Thanks for this correction :). I would like to know if there is a provision to be able to resize each element in a cell to be able to center it vertically?
As we can see here with dates or buttons, which makes the document less visually finished.



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