Date on expanded screen

Good evening,

I just noticed something I don’t understand: when I expand a row from a table onto my android phone, it looks like one would expect with some entry fielts, buttons, etc. But on a table I created last Friday, the date/time of the row creation shows on top of the screen. I don’t see this behavior on other expanded screens, so I am wondering why I see it here? Because my first field has the now() function when adding a new record?
My two questions are:

  1. why am I seeing this
  2. how do I get rid of this.

Is would not be that big of a deal, if it weren’t for the fact is doesn’t use European notation, which means it will be understood wring when we are in te beginning of the month (first 12 days).

Dear @joost_mineur

Maybe not direct a solution:

I suggest to make “Afhandelen” your display column, as this is the actual task, in this way the “DATUM” will be shown as “date-time” in the US format.

If you insist, you could experiment with “format” of “DATUM” and make that the display column

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Good morning Jean Pierre,

You, indirectly, answered my question: I didn’t understand where this date in the sub-header of the expanded view came from and now I understand, it is the info active row in the display column. It is another one of those automatic things in Coda that you can’t really turn on or off, but once you know how it works, you can ‘deal’ with it.

Thanks for helping out.


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