This . I’ve tried numerous times in the past to copy-and-paste a whole column, before realizing only the cell data pastes (not the column format/settings).
This seriously needs to be done, I know Coda team is evolving but it’s been 9 months since the request and it isn’t yet implemented even though it should have been since the beta
Even just letting the user “Copy a Column” and then paste the column so that only the name needs to be changed. Instead – especially if you have a unique column type where you want to not only edit the column type, but also the options of the sub-type – this can become very arduous.
I appreciate your support for the request (I’m confident that - sooner or later - we will see it).
However, if your table structure has to change periodically, maybe it’s a sign you have to transpose your data into columns and then just display them grouped by.
If you want to share your use-case, I’d be happy to have a look.