I have a Project Plan table and a Resources table. The Resources table has a reference to the Project Plan. I have a ‘template’ page that’s used as a canvas column on the project plan table. The idea is to view the linked resources when the project plan row is opened and then also add new resources that automatically relate it to the project plan it’s viewed from.
How can I create a filter on the template table that dynamically reference the row of the project plan it was launched from?
Thank you
Hi @Amish_Noorali
Take a look at this thread.
Even though the goal is different, I think you can use the same approach for what you want.
From Coda Table to Ready Print Document - Ask the Community - Coda Maker Community
Best regards
Thank you. I took a look at that approach but it doesn’t seem to work for the table that I’m trying to display in the canvas template. It just prints the table view name.
I’m beginning to think this might be a bug.
Both Labor and Equipment views reference the same underlying table and have very similar filters. Equipment works as expected but not Labor. I.e. it doesn’t auto-assign the parent row as the Project Plan in the Resources table.
Hi @Amish_Noorali
Check this doc. Is this what you are trying to?
I also have a question.
Is this canvas column really necessary? You can achieve something similar to what you’re trying by using a linked relation column and setting it to display as a table in the view modal. LIke this:
Best regards
Can you share this doc so we can take a look?
Sharing a doc helps a lot in understanding the behavior.
If the doc contains sensitive data, you can create a copy and replace the data with dummy values.
Please excuse my noobness here - just learned about Coda a couple of days ago. There’s no sensitive data - we’re still exploring. How do I share a doc without giving edit rights but also allowing you to see the formulas, etc? View only doesn’t seem to do that.
You need to share the doc with edit permissions so we can view all the formulas and make changes if necessary.
If you’re concerned about others editing your data but it is not private/sensitive, you have two options:
- Make a copy of the doc and share that version with edit permissions for everyone.
- Keep the original doc as view-only and add a copy button (
/copy doc
), allowing others to create and access their own copy.
Here you go:
FYI: there are hidden pages.
The typical workflow is:
- Go to the ‘Projects’ page and add a new project.
- Click the pencil button to go into the project page.
- Under ‘Plan’, add a new task
- Click the pencil button to go into the project plan page.
- Add ‘Labor’ and ‘Equipment’ - these both reference the same underlying table.
Thank you.