Dynamically Show/Hide Column

Does anyone know if it’s possible to hide or show a column “automagically”?

I’m using a Layout as a social media post editor, but would like team members to be able to either customise a message for each channel or just input one message for all channels.

I’ve arranged the table so that it has four columns: Generic Text, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. A fifth column contains a button that copies the next from Generic Text to each of the other three. However, I’d ideally like to hide those three until they contain text, and also be able to hide/lock the Generic Text and button cells once it’s been copied.

Why? It reduces clutter in the layout, adds a bit of Wow factor, but it also prevents people from changing the Generic Text after customising and/or overwriting customised text by accident.

If possible, I’ll likely also extend the functionality so that you can select which channels you need first, and then only show those, preventing posts going to the wrong channels by mistake.


+1, really need the ability to hide columns through formulas/actions


+1 please! This would be very useful for customising the display of a table/view based on choices from a select list for example.


+1 :slight_smile:

Our work todo has a “Notes” column that can take a lot of vertical space, because we tend to have detailed, formatted instructions there for each task. I’d like to be able to hide or show it using a checkbox control, effectively switching being a very detailed, and very compact view.

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Hey @Murray_Adcock can you share an image or doc? I think we can get close by using the format() function and creating templates… :slight_smile:

+100000 That would be just great !



+1 would be very useful to toggle column visibility via inline controls in a page. Would really help “guide” less familiar Coda users at our company on “how to use” a given doc and point them to the right info they are looking for


same issue here! would be great if there is a button to hide and unhide columns!

i face the exact situation as you! did u managed to work around this?

Hi there, we don’t have a solution or workaround yet.

This sounds like a feature request so I’ve moved this to the Suggestion Box area to start collecting upvotes.