Easily converting Subpages into Pages?

Wondering if anyone knows a quick way to convert a Subpage into its own Page? Thanks

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Subscribe ^ I haven’t found a way either. Duplicating the parent doc is all I have found so far. I have a doc that has a subpage, that I want to turn into it’s own doc.

@Jessica_Smith hey welcome!! What do you mean by Subpage into its own page? You can drag subpages out from being children:

Hope this helps!

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If @Jessica_Smith is asking the same question

Taking a subpage (and all of its subpages) of a doc (Knowledge base in this case) and turning it into a doc. Like what engineering week is in this picture.

Thanks John. I’ve done that now, but realize (sorry, new user) that ultimately, what I want is to convert each Page into its own Doc, i.e. what Nick is asking about.

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I don’t know if that’s possible, I think you may have to manually copy everything from each page into a new doc you’ve created

There is the possibility to Copy an entire doc and then delete every undesired pages/subpages in that copy :blush:


That’s exactly the workaround I’ve been using. Copy the whole doc then delete everything I don’t need.


Thanks all. That’s what I ended up doing too. But seems like there should be an easy drag/drop option to do this instead…

OK so what I think you’re trying to do is turn a page into a doc, in Coda jargon.

Beware (@Sarah_Arminta ) that if you copy a doc then delete everything you may run into history/security issues. Perhaps copying it again after deleting everything will purge the doc history.

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Hey @Johg_Ananda, yes, that’s ultimately wanted I wanted to/did do, and as @Pch suggested. Ended up creating new docs, transferring all content form previous pages and then deleted those. Has worked, but I’m surprised there isn’t a more automatic way of doing that. Feel like you should be able to right click on a page and ‘convert to doc.’